I feel like we need to take a pause to focus on how wonderful Human Cognition and Intellect can be. I have always been of the school that all babies are born with powerful brains and the potential for brilliance. But there are so many things stacked against them, such as lead poisoning, stress in womb and out, poor nutrition and environmental degradation resulting in poor air for them to breath. I love watching our granddaughter develop. With my own children I was so immersed in the parenting I could not quite take in how amazing this phase is. Her language has exploded and she now speaks in paragraphs of full sentences. She is starting to understand what 2 means and definitely understands the concepts of more and less.
I bought a cheap pair of plastic safety scissors for my granddaughter. She is still trying to figure them out but the first day she had them she just wanted to sit with some junk mail and practice “cutting”. I did think to remind her parents to keep any scissors they own out of her reach because I had unlocked “The cutting monster”. She tried to get me to go away to another room so she could try them on other things. I was not fooled. There is no doubt in my mind that she will give herself a haircut at some point and any doll that has hair is likely to have a visit to the hair salon for a new cut as well.
She was sitting relatively still so I drew her. Then I drew her playing.