First a sigh and then a return to the realization the war is far from over

I continue to draw tangles but the warm fuzzies of Saturday have made me switch from drawing thread to drawing my knitting. I am knitting a baby blanket for my son and his girlfriend who are expecting in March. We all need a hug right now before we go on to deal with the big issues.

Somebody I know wrote this today, "Most of the people that I know would directly benefit in tangible ways from easing up on the passion they invest in their relationship with politics. You can say that it's not true, or you could take a big, deep breath."

My response "These past four years EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH has paid a price for the incompetance in American Politics. I am EXTREMELY thankful for all my passionate friends and the strangers who organized, made calls, sent texts, wrote postcards, let their voices be heard, marched and marched and marched again and again to stand up to the bully. And yes I will celebrate but I hope all those who have become so passionate continue because we have a lot of work ahead of us if we are going to save humanity from climate change, stand up to those who continue to harbor racists and xenophobic ideas and work to rebalance and reevaluate economics so it is not a winner take all hord it system but rather a system that respects the hard work of EVERYONE. You may want us to quiet our voices but we will NOT."

So to everyone who wrote postcards, made phone calls, took on leadership roles, raised money etc…..even if you only did one small thing I want to personally THANKYOU.
