OK I know I have mentioned that we are in an unprecedented hurricane season with us already halfway through the Greek alphabet in naming storms. Remember when I mentioned that somebody I had been friends with was skeptical about recent storms being related to climate change. Well for as long as we have been recording and naming hurricanes we have not had to go beyond Z!!! That should give you the chills because it makes it clear how dire the climate situation is. And then there is this pandemic. There is no doubt there will be more viruses and pandemics. As Jane Goodall said when all this CoVid-19 started, we are out of balance with nature. Thankgoodness Joe Biden has made it clear he intends to put listening to scientists as a high priority. I really hope the Trump Loyalists do not try to sabotage him.
The first summer after our son arrived in Cambridge to do his post-doc, he presented a poster at a scientific conference. Harvard prints scientific posters on foldable fabric. As soon as I saw the poster I knew I wanted to recycle it into a cloth bag. At first our son refused. I think he was worried I would walk around Cambridge with it and people he knows would notice it and we all know how embarrassing mother’s can be. I assured him I would not use it at Frommaggio or Whole Foods (where his advisor might be shopping). Instead I would make it into a knitting bag which would hardly leave the house. Thankfully his partner/girlfriend rescued the poster and gave it to me and I turned it into a knitting bag. And that is what I drew while wondering if Science will win or if the turtle man and the others (I have nasty names for them which I will not put here) will swallow it