One year on: How the west messed up.

Exactly a year ago a Taiwanese scientist warned the west of a potentially dangerous novel respiratory virus in Wuhan. The Taiwanese knew that China could not be trusted to tell the truth. They experienced this with the Sars and Mers viruses in the past. And so they took this novel virus that was starting to fill up the hospitals in Wuhan seriously and pleaded with the west do to the same. But with America Leadership golfing and perpetually on vacation there was no leadership and so the virus was able to spread like wildfire around the globe. Imagine how this would have played out if we had taken a much needed pause in January and treated this like the serious threat it was. Maybe we would be like Taiwan and instead of deaths in the millions we would just have a few hundred deaths.

And everyone is so confused. The physics of the virus is simple and understood, and yet everyone wants to make up their own rules. I am tired of doing my part only to have others not make an effort. The post-Thanksgiving Bump in the virus is an embarrassment on so many levels and it does not bode well for the future of our culture or society. Family’s edited and all unnecessarily. Imagine D-Day or 9-11 happening every day in the US.
