It’s starting to feel like Groundhog day. Thanksgiving came and went. I made packages of chestnut stuffing mix and gingerbread men for the kids. We read and played games and ate left over soba noodles with homemade broth for dinner. The days are getting shorter and shorter and darker and darker. I struggle with the cold and the dark. Without a trip to a city or theater or a nice meal out to look forward to winter is going to be hard. Right now I am surviving by drawing. The critique group has been my weekly life-line and I am so grateful for it and for Joel, whose comments no matter how critical are always so intelligent and never fail to inspire me to want to make more work.
Do something abstract! I draw the cardboard from a tin of sardines.
Hunkered Down
Attempts to create empty space similar to the empty space Gay created in one of her drawings in critique group.
I have to work quickly. “What are you drawing G’Ma. I want to use your paints. I need your brush.”