Nurturing Artists

One of my proudest accomplishments was not only initiating the Zoom Critique Group with Joel at the start of the pandemic but also continuing the online support among us with the Peer Art Group. Yesterday I pulled off a long standing goal of mine to visit the MFA Print Room. When I was in the Diploma Program at the SMFA I went with Peter Scott and it was a profound experience. Partly because we had the opportunity to see this amazing artist book that Anselm Keifer made of German Notables. For years now I have wanted to see that book again. It took a lot of work to coordinate but yesterday we went. I was disappointed that three artists could not make it due to illness but we still were quite a group and everyone was grateful and thrilled with the experience. Although there were many highlights for me as an artist, I was also thrilled to see the impact of this visit on my peers. Elizabeth Zeldin is an amazing Watercolorist and to see the awe at which she studied the Sargeants that were out was amazing. I can’t wait to see how her careful study of these works influences her own work.

Every one wants to go again I certainly hope we can pull a second visit in the fall.