My daughter had her baby last Saturday. Midday her daughter’s other grandparents brought the girls to our house after picking them up from ballet, taking them out to lunch and shopping. Meanwhile their mom and dad headed to the hospital. There was a big storm expected Saturday night and as the girl’s were going to sleep and the snowflakes were starting to fall Baby Blythe was born. But instead of waking up to a winter wonderland we woke up to several inches of thick heavy snow and rain. The girl’s didn’t mind. They were perfectly happy to spend the morning playing inside. But I went out to try to shovel the heavy wet snow knowing that not only was it only going to get harder to shovel as more rain fell, but also a freeze was going to happen on Sunday night. Using all my upper body strength I was able to clear my car. Anyone who did not clear the snow from their car or sidewalk on Sunday would wake up on Monday to find thick solid ICE!!!!!
When we went to the hospital so the girl’s could meet their new little sister we drove because even getting to the car involved navigating 6” deep icy puddles of water. It was a mess. 2” of rain fell Sunday afternoon. And it all froze that night. Monday when I tried to walk the dog it was so bad even the dog gave up and pooped in the middle of the street. Those who were fortunate to have spikes for their shoes were using them. We ordered some and got the the following day.
Meanwhile I called a dear friend from college in LA who also recently lost her mom. Her description of the fires and mudslides and the challenges that area is facing right now is heartbreaking. So much pain. This friend and I are very politically aligned and we both can do our share of screaming “CLIMATE CLIMATE CLIMATE”. Although she went to college here in Cambridge, MA she asked if we had the same climate worries. And I brought up how the ice that was causing ER’s to have triple the number of visitors this past week and a dramatic increase in people who broke bones…was at the end of the day just another example of how the climate systems we were so used to have gone awry.
At the end of the day Mother Nature will win…..despite us.