A Fun Project

Those who know me know that I am passionate about local farming and have been involved with CSAs in Lincoln MA for the 20+ years since we moved back here from Seattle. I was first introduced to CSAs and local farming in Seattle and was thrilled to find an Organic CSA with a tight community feel in the town of Lincoln, MA. During Covid that farm wound down. The head farmer was getting up there in years and farming is physically demanding. So I moved down the street to Mass Audobon’s Drumlin Farm and gradually became more involved. This winter they asked me if I would be interested in painting their new Donation Box. I said yes but I wanted to use eco-friendly paints and avoid acrylics which are plastic. I asked if they would be OK with me using Milk Paint and gave them a budget (I underestimated the cost…lesson learned…but they bought most of the paint I needed.

When I saw the box which was about the size of a honeybee hive box, I suggested that I paint the inside with honeycomb and bees and the outside I would paint pollinator plants. I originally thought I would paint a landscape with pollinator plants but as the project evolved the outside morphed as I thought about how much I love The Little Golden Book Field Guides. And so I researched and put pollinator flowers all around the outside of the box. I had never worked with milk paint before and the company “The Real Milk Paint Company” was very helpful answering all my questions about mixing colors and preparing the surface and what to use to seal it. The paint itself is magical. It doesn’t smell and cleans up easily. There was a bit of a learning curve getting the paint to mix properly and the need to sand between coats so I didn’t end up with streaks or cracks. But overall I was quite happy with how the box turned out. I delivered it today and I can’t wait to see how it looks all assembled and installed in the barn. They wanted it for GroundHog Day because they have a big even this Sunday and they even managed to get a GroundHog (LOL).