It has been quite a few weeks. My parents had an elder care crises and a new grandbaby boy was born. My parents are fading and new life has appeared. It is a lot emotionally.
Then there is Israel. It is interesting having read Isabella Hammad’s wonderful book “Enter Ghost” this summer and also Naomi Klein’s book “Doppelgänger” this fall. Klein’s chapter on Israel and being a Jew just captured everything about how I feel about Israel. Because of reading these books I have a stronger context for understanding recent events than I have ever had before. Not that that makes it any easier.
Yesterday we walked into Harvard Square. There was a protest. The organizers main message was for humanitarian support for the people of Gaza and a plea for Israel to stop bombing innocent civilians. But one could see how the Palestinian flags and scarves people were wearing could be a trigger for those who feel threatened by antisemitism and Hamas. And sure enough there was a young woman with brown curly hair shouting at the protestors that she lost her cousin in the attacks. She was angry. She was upset. And I found my eyes welling up with tears and sympathy. We are fellow Jews. I can only imagine that I might know somebody like her or her cousin. And then a young male protestor started to harass her. I could not believe it. He actually called her a “Bitch”. Seriously? What hope is there if that is the way people are? Imagine a world where this young man acknowledged her grief and they shared a moment.
I am no military expert. I can’t say I really understand what is happening. In my heart I keep wondering if there is another way to deal with Hamas. A way that would not harm innocent civilians and would create more unity among those in the middle east. Maybe I am naive. Since college I have always felt naive about the situation in Israel. As Naomi Klein said in her Guardian editorial I will ALWAYS SIDE WITH CHILDREN. If it had been one of my babies at that music festival you can be sure I would want Revenge. And if it had been one of my children injured or killed by Israeli rockets I would want revenge. No mother should have to deal with children being taken from them because of foolish adults.