One of the hardest parts about being an artist is creating work that you are attached to and having it be rejected for a show. And I get that curating a show is never about individual work and is about putting together a cohesive show that sometimes has a theme. I recently submitted two pieces for a show whose theme was “Connectivity” and I felt after reading the prospectus that I had two ideal works for this show. But alas neither one was chosen. Both pieces are rather dark and were done right around the 2020 election when I was feeling concern about how our divided political landscape was going to play out in the coming years. I still believe these pieces speak to the struggle our country is in right now . And I also understand why if you were creating a show about connections you would want to focus on the positive rather than the negative. And yet I hope I can at some point present this work so people can look and think about the challenges we face in our hyper-connected and disconnected world we live in.
On top that I am desperate to find a venue to hang “Alignment Problem” because the message in that drawing is in my mind, the most important message right now. What happens when the systems we create to make life better end up pursuing their own objectives and do not achieve what we want or expect of them as they are unleashed in the real world? This painting is about the misalignment between our goal of nurturing children and the effects these systems have on the world they will grow into.
Democracy 1 2020
Turning Point 2021