The unexpected

I have been drawing that darn folded sheet of paper and trying so hard to get my drawing to work. After a failed painting and a failed drawing which ended up partly covered in ink, I spent some time today looking at Rembrandt’s drawings and the Drawings of his Pupils. I treated myself to a new book from the Harvard Art Museum gift shop. I saw it when we were there with my daughter and family and wanted it but decided to go home and see if I could find it on Abe’s books or Amazon for less. It was not any cheaper online so yesterday I decided to go to the museum and buy it. When I got there it was nowhere to be found and I was heartbroken. But I asked and they had one copy left and better yet it was 50% off.

After staring at Rembrandt’s drawings and even making a small copy of one of them I decided to take the ink and just make a quick loose drawing of the paper and dolls.

This afternoon in the Peer Critique Group my fellow artists pointed out that it looks like a ship capsizing. And it does. I am not disappointed. A fun little bonus at the end of a very frustrating art day.