The lasting effects of the pandemic

There is exhaustion, frustration and depression among many I speak to. It is the lasting effects of this endless pandemic and the frustration with the world and our leaders. Cars and plastic are everywhere. Putin continues to play his games and world leaders continue to care more about their image and the world stage than doing what is needed. It is emotionally draining. Omicron seems to have burnt itself out but what new virus is going to emerge?

I miss travel. I miss going to the airport or the train station, sleeping in hotel beds, eating hotel breakfasts, walking new streets, attending theater, people watching and seeing new art. I am tried of our dining room table, my food, walking the crappy Cambridge Sidewalks, the salt, winter and my expanding waistline. Oh what I would do to spend 5 pounds (probably more now thanks to Brexit) to get a warm Dosa from Borough Market and eat it along the river on our way to see a show at the Globe.

I want my kids to have fun experiences like that. I definitely worry about their future and the future for our granddaughters.

On the positive side I have taught myself to mend and darn. I am having fun patching holes in sweaters and socks and making them look pretty at the same time. I had to paint them of course.