A fellow artist friend also had two grand babies born this month. In one case mom had a difficult birth resulting in her being in the ICU. My friend’s daughter is home now recovering. Meanwhile this friend learns her eldest daughter is seriously ill. Another friend and fellow breastfeeding home birth advocate I know lost her mom. Covid protocols probably were responsible for some of her mom’s deterioration in the past 6 months. A mom in the support group I moderate who I have known for years lives in Boulder CO. The Shooting being a little too close to home. The supermarket is one she used to go to all the time when her girls were in Elementary school. I hate guns!!! I hate the constant pain and death that gun violence is inflicting on our country. Bodies. I think of bodies as I draw. Fallen bodies from gun violence. Bodies of the elderly. Bodies of those who are ill.
And then I think of Maeve. Mystery Maeve. Why has she never been able to suck properly. Is it something minor? Is it more significant? Why does her voice sound raspy and hoarse to me? I say I won’t google but then every day I find myself reading web pages looking for answers. There are none. She needs professionals to tease this out. I hate seeing our daughter in pain and so sad. Meanwhile her other daughter is just BURSTING with life; A bird, a flower, the joy of throwing a ball, the amazement of finding yet a new and different rock, using her body in new ways, expressing herself, asking questions. Everything is new and exciting and has potential to bring laughter, tears and amazement.