Before Nikko was born I was drawing scissors. I have always enjoyed drawing tools and my scissor collection became a great tool for expressing everything from angst to hope. As I said in previous posts I used them as figurative objects. In the week before Nikko was born I was terrified about the baby being a footling breech and what might happen in the final weeks. I knew that setting up a very straight forward narrative still life would not lend itself to an interesting drawing, but I had hopes that I could use it as a background for something more complex. I placed the scissors pointing out of a bag. They were feet sticking out of a container. One could not get more explicit about my footling anxiety than that. I had just started on the drawing and after Nikko was born I found I could not continue working on it. Instead I found myself focused on blankets. I had visited my mom who is still recovering and she was in bed among blankets. My son , his wife and their baby were surrounded by blankets as they nursed their small newborn. And so I set up the silk scarves and started drawing hoping to capture that feeling we have when we curl up with our blankets to heal and recover and rest.