Here we go again

I am beginning to think the Human Race is hopeless. The media reports about Omicron are almost laughable. It is as though nobody learned the first time around what exponential growth means and how viruses spread. At least Omicron might be a milder disease and the training from 3 doses of vaccine seems protective against serious illness. But nobody seems to have learned that covid vaccines do not stop the spread of the illness, they simply protect us and others against getting seriously ill and dying. Meanwhile we are getting colds more easily this year due to our immune systems lying dormant last year. I am sure having a preschooler is contributing. UGH. Unlike last year Thanksgiving was the whole CREW: Our four parents, Roy’s sister, our daughter and Husband and their 2 girls, our son and his wife and their little girl and their dog, our youngest son and his girlfriend and us. 13 in all. We gathered at our daughter’s house and sat around their gorgeous new dining room table under their very stylish new chandelier. It all felt so civilized. I cooked up the Drumlin vegetables and transported my creations to Bedford. The babies, both crawling, dominated of course. But Roen held her own in the conversation and at one point chimed in with a comment when our kids were discussing somebody they knew from LHS who works at a coffee shop near our youngest. They were talking about how she will not be there for long because she is not particularly good at holding down a job. And Roen without missing a beat said, “And she died in the end” Gotta love verbal 3 year olds. And lately Roen is constantly trying out new words and ideas in fascinating ways. She is suddenly interested in dinosaurs and after describing what Paleontologists do I asked her if she would like to be a Paleontologist and she responded by saying, “No I just want to be a grown up”

One week later we had our middle son and his crew back at our apartment overnight along with his wife’s sister who had just flown in. Our son has completed his first semester as a college professor. It was wonderful having them here again. I just wish I had cleaning help for after they were gone. I now understand how my MIL and mother used to feel as we were leaving after staying with them. Yes they enjoyed our visit but they also always seemed a bit relieved as we were packing to go.