I don’t have words for this nightmare of America and Race. Then again I am not sure as a middle age white woman it is appropriate for me to say anything. The thing is my heart broke in a million pieces seeing the anger, hurt and frustration of Isaac’s friend David, who is the sweetest nicest guy I have ever met. Like all young people who I have fed at our house or taken out to dinner over the years I find myself having strong maternal feelings toward him. And it hurt as I listened to him vent his frustration, fear and anger on social media because I could tell he was hurting so much. I also am friendly on social media with another young black man who I friended when I was at the SMFA. I always liked Yannick and we shared a bond over our connection to Salt Lake City, where my son was living at the time. He had family there and had lived there for part of his childhood. He was one of those undergraduates I respected and would enjoy talking to. I always made time to look at his work and talk about it. Several times we helped each other pull our prints in the print room. He was so excited when he came up to me and excitedly told me he was chosen to do a senior thesis. He was kind and never made me feel like I was an out of place old woman, like some other younger students did. I definitely was cheering him on and hoping he succeeded after the SMFA. Like David, Yannick was also broken by the recent events. I messaged him and he wrote me back. It was clear he was feeling so much pain and anger around what was going on. His words mimicked Dave’s. It was hard to see these sweet young talented men feel so betrayed by this country.