2020 comes to an end

I was thinking about the early days of the pandemic and how there was this unusual optimism and hope among those of us who have been educating ourselves about the climate emergency. The whole world had shut down. Fighting had even stopped in Syria. It was spring and nature responded with glorious bird song in response to the quiet in the air and on the ground. Skies were clear of planes and roads were not filled with traffic. There was hope that people would notice this new reality and we would emerge from this pandemic into a better cleaner more sustainable world.

Instead people kicked and screamed about haircuts, about being stuck with their offspring at home, about this vague thing called “the economy”, the ridiculous stock market, about the inconvenience of wearing a mask, about not being able to have parties and gatherings. People were impatient.

Even as ICUs fill again I see pictures on social media of people hanging out without masks with those not in their household. I see people outside without masks. I hear of unnecessary gatherings. The phrase “Flatten the Curve” is history and instead everyone seems resigned to the death and chaos this virus causes.

Meanwhile two new more transmissible CoVid19 viruses have emerged. Fires are still burning. People still talk about a return to “Normal” even though the future will be far from normal regardless of what we do. If we do nothing the climate will upend life as we know it. So we must decide which new future we want. I know what future I want for me and for my offspring. But I am not convinced the rest of the world is willing to do what they need to do so we can have that future.

Are we coming or going and does it matter?
