Despite having a background in computer science and being an early adapter of technology I sometimes struggle with software’s UI. Blog posts on the Square Space Platform are not automatically published and I know that is a good thing, but alas sometimes I end up saving them as drafts and never publishing them. I was looking through my unpublished drafts the other day and this one stood out because lately Roen is really into playing “Baby Caretaker” with this horribly ugly doll her parents were given as a gift around Thanksgiving time. They have named this doll “Turkey Mctuck Face”. Roen will put the doll in the high chair and tell me the doll needs some puffs. Of course Roen will have to eat some of the puffs as well. She also uses the baby as a reason to get me to read board books to her. I know that this is a good thing as it is important for reading readiness but I confess to getting painfully bored. Yesterday as I was leaving Roen asked her mom if she would nurse the doll after she was done nursing her sister.
It is also interesting to look back on this and see how much Roen’s drawing has progressed and is becoming more figurative. She now draws rainbows and circles and squares regularly. Well enjoy this post from Election day 2020:
Yesterday Roen was drawing with her paint markers. I was trying not to hover as she is developing her own inner voice and when left alone will talk to herself. She was drawing and as she did this drawing she said, “A baby in Mommy’s Tummy and a baby in Daddy’s Tummy” (Of course…why should baby’s only be in mommy’s tummy). Then “waaaaaah wwwaaaaah aaaah” (because she knows babies cry) and then without missing a beat, “I want to draw on the table, Look I drew a bear on the table!” Thank Goodness for washable paint markers.
Here is the picture of Mommy and Daddy with babies in their tummies.