Waiting for the fate of Earth....

In this odd way I feel like the a man waiting in the trenches in France in WWI. Soon something is going to happen and my gut is telling me to be afraid. I do feel, especially after watching different CoVid documentaries about how the Trump administration handled this (NOW, Washington Post, and one on Hulu) that the fate of Earth and Humanities role on earth depends on what happens this week. If we fail to address climate then this CoVid-19 pandemic is going to look like the appetizer to the apocalypse we are about to face. But if we can get back on track and focus on the necessary changes then maybe just maybe we can survive. Hidden among all the noise of the Election and CoVid was the fact that ETA was a hurricane that hit Lousiana!!! Think about that!

Tangles. I draw tangles when I am anxious and upset. I supposed it is meditative as I let my hand and eye get drawn into the knots and holes and threads. What better metaphor for our current situation. A battlement of spools of thread, scissors stomping on safety pins and all of us connected and yet disconnected. Those safety pins.

The Battle.jpg