Extinction Rebellion-The Climate Emergency

So I have been thinking about Climate Change and Greta and why we as humans are so reluctant to do anything to stop the climate crises from becoming a humanitarian night mare for our planet. I also was introduced to reductive wood cutting by Chris Wallace at Maud Morgan and have been intrigued by the potential of it to help me with my imagery. I do love printing. So this summer was all about exploring reductive wood cutting and an image that I feel captures my emotions about climate change. The image was inspired by a fresco we saw at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from around the time of Pompei.

From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/247006?&searchField=All&sortBy=Relevance&ft=Globe+fresco&offset=0&rpp=20&pos=2

From the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


First attempt at Reductive Wood Cut Print

First attempt at Reductive Wood Cut Print

Second attempt (on Right)-had trouble with wood splitting. And Third and final attempt for the summer

Second attempt (on Right)-had trouble with wood splitting. And Third and final attempt for the summer

I like the group better than I like one individual print.

I like the group better than I like one individual print.

I did a drypoint workshop at Harvard Art Museum’s Material Lab and made this thinking about my reductive wood prints.

I did a drypoint workshop at Harvard Art Museum’s Material Lab and made this thinking about my reductive wood prints.